
Self Development in Your Future

Hello awakening soul,While on a walk the other day, a memory surfaced.Growing up, I remember being told to stop, because I was "drawing too much attention to myself".It made me feel less than, not good enough and that people would only like me if I was "just enough".So, I learned how to navigate "just enough". I mastered reading people's energy. I watched. I took it all in and figured out when it [...]

By |April 28, 2020|Categories: Up Vibrations|Comments Off on Self Development in Your Future

Out With the Old, In With the New!

This is it! A new decade is right around the corner. This week, between Christmas and New Year’s, I like to do a ‘year in review’ for my business and for my personal life. It’s super easy. Take a piece of paper and write at the top of it “Year in Review” and then start jotting things down. I like to have my calendar from [...]

By |December 31, 2019|Categories: Up Vibrations|Comments Off on Out With the Old, In With the New!

The most wonderful time of the year…

Hello Beautiful Vibrational Soul, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year”. We’ve all heard that lyric. Have you ever stopped and asked yourself, why? I have an idea as to why…. People are happy giving and receiving this time of the year. Then I started to think about it. If the action is giving and receiving, and the return is happy, then my next [...]

By |December 23, 2019|Categories: Up Vibrations|6 Comments


Hello, beautiful vibrational soul! For the month of December, I am on this kick of exploring a few words we throw out there in our lives here on planet earth. As we head into the new decade, I want to do everything in my power to have the vibration of the collective on this planet, higher. When it’s higher, there is more self-love, love for [...]

By |December 16, 2019|Categories: Up Vibrations|Comments Off on Compassion

Knowledge is the Culmination of Experience

“Knowledge is the culmination of experience”.  I think this is one of the most profound things that I have ever said!  Haha Seriously, by going through the experiences I have gone through, I realize it has opened me up to a new understanding of being and that knowledge has made my time on this earth a more happy, joyous experience.  Some call this wisdom. They say the [...]

By |December 9, 2019|Categories: Up Vibrations|3 Comments

What is Love?

This past week was a really tough one for me. I haven’t experienced this type of stress in many many years. And well….it brought up a lot of emotion and contemplation for me. It got me thinking about what does it mean to truly and unconditionally love someone? More importantly, what does it mean to me? So, I started with Webster’s definition: love /ləv/ Learn [...]

By |December 2, 2019|Categories: Up Vibrations|4 Comments
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