Hello Beautiful Vibrational Soul,
Recently, I had someone ask me to share what my morning routine and rituals are and I thought…” wow! Someone wants to know how I set myself up for my day? How cool is that!”
Let’s begin. When I wake up in the mornings, I linger in my bed and try to hold myself in that in-between state where I am not sleeping, nor am I fully back into my body. I groggily ask Source for any messages they want to share with me. I ask my Guides to then lead me to start my day.
Sometimes, it starts with stretching my body while lying in bed. Sometimes, like this morning, I reach for my phone and go into YouTube and play the latest recording daily message from Abraham Hicks. It’s a great way to subconsciously set myself up for the day and this one really resonated. The message was about meditation and Abraham was saying that the act of finding gratitude in the things that are simple and usually go un-noticed is a great place to start, like being thankful for your automatic breathing, or your sight, or your limbs that work, or the sound of birds or patter of rain or the feel of the warm sun on your face, the everyday things that usually go by unnoticed as we routinely go through our day.
From there, I get up and make my bed, open my shades and open my window (if it isn’t already open), and let the fresh morning air in for a bit before it gets too hot and I close them up for the day.
I then go into the water closet and empty my bladder, wash my hands, face, rinse my mouth with mouthwash, put on sunscreen all over my body and get dressed. I smile to myself in the mirror and say to myself “I am so excited to see what today is going to bring me!” I leave this room and head to the kitchen.
I enter the kitchen. If I am alone, I feed the dog and drink a 16-ounce glass of water. After the dog is fed, I head out with the dog and take her for a walk. On my walk, I listen to a podcast or I listen to Abraham Hicks if I did not listen to it while in bed. If my husband is home and he takes care of the dog, I will dress for pickleball and ride my bike to pickleball and listen to Abraham Hicks on the way if I haven’t already listened to it that morning.
When I return back to my home, I make a protein shake and break my fast around 10 or 11am. I drink another 16-ounce glass of water, clean up the kitchen, and take a shower. Sometimes in the shower, I get messages. I keep a pen & sticky pad in the bathroom on the counter to write down anything that comes through. I brush my teeth, do my hair and light make-up, grab any sticky notes, and head into my office.
In my office, I use my tuning fork and tap it all around my body. I smile to myself and pick an oil or a few oils to put in my diffuser to support my next 3 hours. I grab my oracle deck and knock on the front and the back to clear out anything attached to them, vibrationally.
I then hold them between my palms at my heart chakra and ask Spirit what message does it have for me today. I then shuffle the cards and the card that either falls out or goes wonky in my hands is the card that I then read. It is ALWAYS spot on. I leave the card upright so the energy of the card fills the room where I will be working for the next few hours. Depending on what I am working on, sometimes I play meditation music in the background.
I would love to hear about your morning routine. Feel free to share it with me by email or by responding to the blog on my website.